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Mai Blue

ماي بلو مياه شرب منخفضة الصوديوم 500 مل × 12

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يتركك تشعر بالانتعاش والترطيب

الماء من المشروبات المفضلة لمذاقه الطبيعي والمنعش.

يساعد على استعادة التوازن الطبيعي للجسم ويوفر الترطيب للصحة

يتم حصاد الماء من المسطحات المائية النقية التي تضفي عليه طعمًا منعشًا

من المؤكد أنه يروي عطشك ويغذي جسمك بجميع الفيتامينات والمعادن الأساسية

يتم ترشيح هذه المياه المعبأة بشكل طبيعي وهي غنية بالعديد من المعادن المفيدة التي تبقيك نشيطًا وتحافظ على رطوبة جسمك لفترة طويلة

Quantity (packet)

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Min. Order Quantity:1 packet

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United Arab Emirates

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Technical specification sheet available by request
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Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Bicarbonates, Sulfate, Nitrate Chloride

Product description

Expertly crafted for optimal hydration, Mai Blue Bottled Drinking Water comes in a convenient size of 500ml to quench your thirst on the  go. Made with premium quality ingredients, each sip delivers pure and refreshing taste. Stay hydrated and refreshed with Mai Blue.

Our Mai Blue Bottled 500ml Drinking Water ensures you stay hydrated, whether you're at home or on the go. Packaged with precision, it provides ample water for individuals and families, ensuring you always have a refreshing drink within arms reach.

Structured with care from pristine sources, Mai Blue ensures high-quality in every drop. The water undergoes rigorous purification techniques to maintain its fresh taste, and its minerals keep you revitalized throughout your day. It’s no wonder why Mai Blue is the preferred choice in bottled water for those looking for refreshing hydration.

Invest in your health with Mai Blue Bottled Water, guarding your wellbeing while providing you with the refreshing taste you love. Fitting seamlessly into your lifestyle, it's perfect for keeping you hydrated at the gym, at work, or even on a picnic. Order your pack today, and never let thirst come your way!